Sorry for the lapse in stories. I have stories to share, oh don't you worry about that pretty lady. Just super busy is all. Also, we have a new intern. She's Brazilian.
The interns can't keep their boners down.
I wonder what they would do if I told them about how yesterday, while I was taking a porcelain cruise in my favorite stall, the new "OH MY GOD I WANT TO BANG HER SO FRICKEN BAD YOU HAVE NO IDEA" intern, daintily walked into the bathroom, closed the door to the stall next to me and proceeded to unload what I can only assume was a king-sized chili cheese and pork crackling burrito from lunch that didn't agree with her.

It was pretty epic.
I'm waiting for JUST the right moment to "unload" this secret on the interns.
Or maybe I'll wait.
Until one of them asks her out.
And takes her out to lunch.
For a king-sized chili cheese and pork crackling burrito.
The more I think about this plan, the more excited I become.

What say you, dear readers?